I pray that he grows up adopting his dad's character as well. I've been married to Chris for more than six years now, and I am so thankful for marrying a man of integrity who love the Lord and his family.
Daddy's Little Boy
Monday, November 17, 2008
Max is definitely daddy's little boy. He loves to eat just like his daddy. Most people who see him will immediately say he looks like Chris. He is so excited when daddy got back from work. loves his daddy so much. We usually put him on the bouncer and he would 'talk' and giggle, while watching daddy eats.

We learned that his personality is more like his daddy too. He is fine meeting 1 or 2 people but will cry out loud when many people gather around him, which is a problem when we go to church as many people would like to see and hold him.
I pray that he grows up adopting his dad's character as well. I've been married to Chris for more than six years now, and I am so thankful for marrying a man of integrity who love the Lord and his family.
I pray that he grows up adopting his dad's character as well. I've been married to Chris for more than six years now, and I am so thankful for marrying a man of integrity who love the Lord and his family.
That's a sweet prayer, Ki! He will grow up to be a very fine man in the Lord indeed ... and will be blessings to many.