Before I left, Chris said, "I love you!" and "Get as much caffeine as you need!" So I did:

Now continuing on what I learned from the conference:
Jesus said " In the world you will have tribulation. But take courage; I have overcome the world." John 16:33
Don't live by fear but by Faith! God has ordained us to be our kid's moms. He didn't make mistake!
B. Asking thoughtful questions.
C. Encouraging and edifying. Write them notes, e-mails, text.
Now continuing on what I learned from the conference:
Jesus said " In the world you will have tribulation. But take courage; I have overcome the world." John 16:33
Don't live by fear but by Faith! God has ordained us to be our kid's moms. He didn't make mistake!
A Heart shaping Mom shapes with relationship that open her child's heart with grace
Become your children's advocate instead of adversary!
- Adversary = in your face parenting :( -> how many way I can advise you?
Don't focus on: "don't do this... don't do that..." instead be their
-Advocate = in your heart parenting :) -> how many ways I can advocate you?
Remember Jesus is our advocate to the Father. Every child need an advocate. If as their mom we don't be their biggest advocate, who will?
If your children don't get the love that they need, they will look for it somewhere else.
- Practice Grace based parenting (like Jesus): relationship and heart... freedom.
Study your child, their strength, personalities, like/ dislike
- Instead of law based parenting: rigid, rules, duties...slavery
It's about performing, fit in the box
Grace is communicated to children through:
A. Listening with patience: just like Jesus listen to Peter
B. Asking thoughtful questions.
C. Encouraging and edifying. Write them notes, e-mails, text.
Don't neglect to give Word of Life to your loved ones! For ex: Jesus told Peter: "You're the Rock."
Be persistent! Don't give up! Don't compare your children to our and our spouse' short coming. Don't you dare to limit your kid! Let them grow into becoming who God wants them to become. Trust God! Believe in your kids!
D. Serving and Honoring. Read Jesus' example on John 13:3-17 when he washed his disciples' feet.
Be their model through: Serving and Honoring not shame, guilt, impatience, agendas, distraction, anger -terrible terrible legacy. Don't speak words of death for your kids. This thing kill their soul.
The #1 principle in parenting to remember is: Do unto them what you want your parents do unto you!
Picture a mom who just yell at her kid then when the kid yell at his sister, the mom said, "Be gentle to your sister!" It doesn't work.
-> If you want for your children to be polite, be polite to them
-> Be grateful if you want them to be grateful
-> Serve them, if you want them to serve others.
-> Be considerate/ unselfish otherwise they can't care for others. If there's one thing you got to teach your children is this: teach them to be unselfish because the world is full of selfish people.
"The goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith." 1 Timothy 1:5
- to be continued: Mom Heart Conference - Part 3
Related Post: Mom Heart Conference - Part 1
"The goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith." 1 Timothy 1:5
- to be continued: Mom Heart Conference - Part 3
Related Post: Mom Heart Conference - Part 1
Thanks for sharing, kikiana :) Glad you can come to the conference and become blessings for other mamas out there !
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome, Na. Glad it can be a blessing