Off we jumped out of the boat
I was talking with a friend prior to this trip. They mentioned how they like to snorkel for hours. I asked them, "How come your legs didn't get tired from keeping a float?" They answered, "Well, we wear those floating vests." Why didn't I think that? So I bought one before the trip and now I too can snorkel for hours. :)
The wave was okay, not too calm, not to big; but I was very cautious because growing up, my dad always warned his kids to watch out on big wave so I was holding on to Max's hand the whole time, trusting daddy to hold on to the 3 years old.
Sure enough I was screaming, "Honey, hold on to Wes !"

Our driver told us to buy this cracker, which the fishes love. At some point, we were out of it and we tried to give them our bread but they didn't like it. I don't know fishes can be picky eater too.

The beauty of the nature

The boat guy was trying to hunt bigger fish but no success.

Wish we could stay longer but we were so hungry and couldn't wait to eat our lunch. It was 2:30 by then so we hopped on the boat and off to Kepayang Island, where we get our lunch
The food was fresh and oh so good. Couldn't think of better food to eat after all those activities.

Then we headed to the turtle conservation about 300 meter from the place where we eat.
The mosquitoes here were ferocious. We sprayed on mosquitoes repellent, which seemed to help only a little so we walked as fast as we could.

We spotted that big bee hive on the way. Too bad we didn't get a closer look
Family picture taken by the man who take care of the place:
Newly hatched turtles are fragile and may experience stress and die easily if not carefully handled in their 1st week of their birth. This baby turtle was around 2 weeks young and considered safe to be hold. The big turtle was about 2 years old and weighs around 3 lbs.

After lunch and checking out the turtle conservation at Kepayang island, we headed back to Tanjung Kelayang to end our islands hopping and snorkeling trip.

In the beginning of the journey, the boat man told us they rarely see dolphins. Upon hearing the word "dolphin" Max really wanted to see it. The boat man then added when they did, it's usually happen very early in the morning. I told Max he can pray about it. Lo and behold, God granted his request.
Soaking up the beauty for the last time.
The kids and I took a nap after such a full day. Chris decided to capture the beauty of sunset from hotel balcony.
We asked the driver to buy us the famous Atep Noodle to go for dinner. It was soooo good.

We then spend the rest of the day doing this:
In case you miss previous posts:
Visiting Belitung - Part 2: Lengkuas Island
Visiting Belitung - Part 2: Tanjung Tinggi Beach