Dear Wes,
You are 3 already, baby!
I know exactly what your reply would be, "I am NOT a baby. I am a BIG boy."
You are 3 already, baby!
I know exactly what your reply would be, "I am NOT a baby. I am a BIG boy."
See how much you have grown from this tiny baby
to this:

You still love to be carried, hugged, and kissed. "Bao bao me, ma...(translation= carry me, mom!)," you asked. {mostly when you just woke up and too lazy to go down the stairs by yourself.} "But you are already big and heavy." I answered to which you would reply, "I am not big..... I am not big...." while screaming with tears streaming down your chubby cheeks.
From a helpless babe, you are now running, exploring, and climbing like a monkey.

Unlike Koko who start talking when he turned one. You didn't really talk until you were about 18 months. But boy... o went from barely speaking any words to perfect sentence.
You love talking on the phone be it with Grandma half way across the globe or Papa who sit right next to you.

At home you are loud, super silly, always crack us up with your craziness and laughter.
Just two days ago, Papa accidentally dropped a glass of water. And you immediately said, "Hold on with two hands, Pa!" Looks who is teaching who now.

You are not afraid to try something new. Definitely not something you inherit from mama.
One thing that I am so thankful of you and your brother is how much you love each other.
There was one time when you two fight over a dinosaur toy and I ended up giving Koko a time out up stair. After 2 minutes playing by yourself down stair, you ran up stair, looked for Koko, and gave Koko the dinosaur. You said, "Here, Ko. You can play with it. Let's go down stair and play again!"
Your sensitive and generous heart is an inspiration. I pray that it remain that way.
You love to be with Koko when he is working on his school work.
"Good job, Ko! You did it! You're correct! Yay!" How can one not be motivated with such a support?
Mama maybe Koko's biggest cheerleader but you are surely his loudest and biggest fan.
I hope you to know that Koko loves you too. Although you two fight often but you play together so well. Whenever you were frustrated while working at something Koko often stepped in to help you out.

Do you know why we named you Wesley?
When you were still in mama's belly. You were very little then. Mama and papa pray hard for a name for this special baby boy that God has entrusted to us. We came up with a name but still wasn't too sure about it so we pray some more. Then one day we learned the inspiring story of John and Charles Wesley. John Wesley was a great Christian leader while Charles Wesly was a great musician who wrote over 6000 hymns. We knew then that is the name for our son. We pray daily that you will grow up to be a man who know and love the Lord and use your gifts and talent for His glory.
Wesley boy, you love to run, you are loud, strong, and full of energy. Our prayers is that you always run to and with the One who love you above all, Christ, the source of strength, joy, hope, and love.
We love you big boy!
Mama, Papa, and Koko