I don't know about you but I know so many people whose life is touched by cancer: my kids' pediatrician, my father in law, my mom' sister, my uncle, a boy in my Sunday School class, an 18 months of daughter of a pastor, a pastor wife, two friends of mine, my friend Liza, bloggers: Michele Cushatt and Rachel Meek.
So many... too many, Lord. As I sat down in the church during my friend's memorial, I opened the Bible to Ecclesiastes 7:2
"It is better to go to a house of mourning than to go to a house of feasting,
for death is the destiny of everyone; the living should take this to heart."
Solomon was right. At the end, we all will die and come face to face with our Creator. We've got to be ready. Jesus said the greatest commandments were to, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’... And the second is... ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’"
As I watched Kara's videos on youtube and read her blog posts, I saw how someone live up those two commantments. She remained faithful and trusting the Lord to the end.
Now regarding the fire...
My mom sent me a text about a week ago to let me know that her childhood home, the place where she grew up and where we went to visit grandma every week was burned to the ground. Thankfully, two of my uncles and their families who were living there were able to get out safely, which by itself is a miracle and grace.
Please join me as we pray for healing, strength, peace, and joy for my uncles and aunties and their family as they began the process of cleaning, sorting, restoring, and building their business and home.
The cancer and fire were a great reminder that life is fragile. We never know what will happen tomorrow. My uncle shared that as soon as he woke up and learned that the house was on fire, he made sure everyone was out. He even forgot his glasses and his false teeth. Our house, possessions, money are not the most important things in life, the people that God place in our life are and our time with them are limited. Lord, help us to live and love well.